A Composer's Guide to CataclysmJames Camien McGuigganRTÉ Lyric FM recently broadcast a two-part documentary on Irish composers and climate change, presented and produced by Jonathan Grimes of the Contemporary Music Centre. James Camien McGuiggan reviews.
Getting to What RemainsDon O'MahonyMusician and composer Shane Latimer has just released a new album, 'Residuum', on the Diatribe label. Don O'Mahony reviews.
Britain's National Musical ParadoxChristopher FoxBBC Radio 3 recently broadcast a six-part series, ‘The Land Without Music?’, exploring the current musical landscape in Britain. Christopher Fox reviews.
Challenging and Curious – New Music Dublin: Days 1 and 4Brendan FinanNew Music Dublin took place at the National Concert Hall and other venues in the city from 25 to 28 April with many world and Irish premieres. Brendan Finan reviews days 1 and 4. For a review of days 2 and 3 by James Camien McGuiggan, see the link below.
The Importance of Ensembles to the New Music SceneAdrian SmithThe Music Current contemporary festival was held at the Project Arts Centre in Dublin last week from 2 to 6 April and featured TAK Ensemble, Dublin Sound Lab, Black Page Orchestra, Nadar Ensemble and lovemusic collective. Adrian Smith reviews.