The Arts Council and Traditional Music: A Road Map
The recently published Arts Council document on the traditional arts in Ireland - Towards a Policy for the Traditional Arts / I dTreo Bheartas um na hEalaíona Traidisiúnta.

When Musicians Became Bolder
A review of Seoltaí Séidte's recent 2CD release.

Pedal with Your Ear
In a new series of articles, experienced instrumental teachers share their thoughts on various aspects of instrumental tuition. Each issue wil focus on a different instrument. The series begins with an article on pedalling in piano playing by Réamonn Keary of the Royal Irish Academy of Music.
Amhráin Chomhaimseartha Gaeilge: Cá Bhfuil Siad?
Dá n-úsáidfí amhráin nuachumtha chun sláinte teanga a thomhais, is fadó gur chóir an Ghaeilge a bheith clúdaithe ó chois go ceann i mbindealáin agus líonta go cluas le drugaí....
New Music: Branding
The Kronos Quartet and Tony MacMahon in Dublin and guitar and flute music by John Buckley.
Recent Publications in Irish Traditional Music 2
Listings from the Irish Traditional Music ArchiveContinued from JMI Sep-OctCDS PUBLISHED IN 2004Arcanadh, vocal & instrumental group, Soundings, Wren WRCD401Black Family, The, singing in English, Our Time Together, Dara Records TORCD163Border Collies,...
Listen Here, Pipers: Uilleann Pipe Teaching Today
What influences students of the uileann pipes today? Is the role of the solo performer being overlooked? Uileann piper Robbie Hannan looks at some of the issues through drawing on his own experience of teaching.
Education: Move Over Music?
Education: WIT Music School.