Call out for cellists

Call out for cellists

Friday, 15 November 2019, 5.00pm

As part of Galway 2020, Music for Galway has created a new cello festival titled Cellissimo.

Cellissimo will include an International Student Programme (ISP) and we are encourage cello students and recent graduates from music conservatoires across Europe to apply. Each participating student will take places in masterclasses, have the opportunity to perform at pop-up concerts in Galway and also take part in a showcase concert at the end of the programme. Hostel/B&B accommodation will be provided for all ISP participants for the duration of the programme.

The entry requirements are as follows:
Applicants must currently be a student or recent graduate (2 years).
Applicants must be 18 to 26 years old.
Applicants must cover the cost of their own flights.

For full application information, contact Ramona at isp [at]

The deadline for applications is Friday 15 November 2019.

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Added by The Journal of Music on 30 October 2019

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