Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris
Paris Residencies Offered for Irish Musicians and Composers
The Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris is seeking applications from Irish or Ireland-based musicians and composers for two residencies and a range of fellowships.
Residencies are available between September 2016 and June 2017, open to artists with a record of professional achievement. Travel from Ireland, accommodation and a monthly stipend are all included.
The performance residency is supported by Music Network and is open to musicians of all genres. It is a one-month residency for a musician seeking to further his/her performance career.
A one-month composition residency supported by the Contemporary Music Centre is also available. Composers must be represented by the CMC to be eligible.
Last year’s residency holders include composer Greg Caffrey, singer-songwriter Rhob Cunningham, composer and guitarist Benjamin Dwyer, and cellist Lioba Petrie.
There are also range of other residences available, for design, dance and literary artists, and for Wicklow and Midlands artists.
Fellowship bursaries are available for four to six weeks for those who wish to conduct research into the CCI’s Old Library and Historical Archives Collection, as well as a Rev. Liam Swords Foundation Bursary for students/researchers at post-graduate level.
The deadline for all applications is 11 January 2016.
For more, visit: www.centreculturelirlandais.com