Cellissimo:Documentary Film Screening “Living the Tradition”

Cellissimo:Documentary Film Screening “Living the Tradition”

Saturday, 25 May 2024, 3.00pm

Living the Tradition is the journey of cello player and composer Ilse de Ziah around Ireland in a search for undiscovered secrets of ten Irish Airs. Along the way she meets with renowned Irish musicians, scholars and local characters who share with her the history and stories behind the music.

Ilse performs each of these intensely beautiful pieces in the settings they were written. Filmmaker Maarten Roos captures the landscapes, the charm of the Irish people and the powerful resonance of the cello, creating a fresh account of Irish music and culture.

Followed by Q&A session with Ilse de Ziah

For full Cellissimo schedule see www.cellissimo.ie

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Added by Camille Twomey on 30 April 2024

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