
Live Reviews: Dublin Electronic Arts Festival 4 Paul Watts Various Locations, Dublin, 27 – 31 October 2005 The annual Dublin Electronic Arts Festival has tried in its four years of existence to appeal to both the punters who just want to go out and dance and those of a more sedentary disposition. For its first...
Live Reviews: INTRO 05 Derek Cremin Firkin Crane, Cork, 30 Oct 2005Rick Peckham, musical director; Aoife Doyle, voice; Simone Mendonca, violin; Matt Berrill, alto sax, clarinet; Bill Blackmore, trumpet; Colm O’Hara, trombone; Julie Cruickshank, piano; Stephen McFarlane, guitar; Andrew...
Live Reviews: Ian Wilson – Winter Finding Fergal Dowling Friday 16 September saw the world premier of Ian Wilson’s Winter Finding by the National Symphony Orchestra in their usual Friday night NCH slot, under the direction of Gerhard Markson. The performance had been postponed from earlier in the year due...
Live Reviews: Raymond Deane – Concursus (world première) Jürgen Simpson Irish Chamber Orchestra Raymond Deane: Concursus (world première); Thurs 21 April 2005 St Mary’s Church, Mallow, Co. Cork; Katherine Hunka, Director
Live Reviews: Improv at the Printing House Festival Barra Ó Séaghdha Saturday 23 April / The Printing House, Trinity College, Dublin
Live Reviews: Raymond Deane – Violin Concerto Live Reviews: Raymond Deane – Violin Concerto John McLachlan Raymond Deane: Violin Concerto / RTÉ National Symphony Orchestra / Conductor Gerhard Markson / Soloist Christine Pryn / National Concert Hall, 24 October 2003
Thwaite: Jürgen Simpson & Simon Doyle Thwaite: Jürgen Simpson & Simon Doyle John McLachlan Music by Jürgen Simpson / Libretto by Simon Doyle / Opera Theatre Company / Cond. Philip Walsh / Dir. Dan Zemmett / Project Theatre, 24 September 2003
CD Reviews: At It Again – John Carty Emer Mayock At it again, the whimsically titled new CD from multi-instrumentalist John Carty sees him this time eschewing banjo, flute and tenor guitar to instead confine his talents exclusively to the fiddle. On this recording he draws much of his repertoire from the...
CD Reviews: An Tobar Glé - Neil Mulligan Dermot McLaughlin Neil Mulligan – An Tobar Glé– Shore Records SCD 1049One of the driving influences in the development of traditional music is the process of transmission. Maybe transmission is not always how it looks and feels at first hand – within...
