Songs of Grievance and Hope

Songs of Grievance and Hope

Thursday, 9 May 2013, 8.00pm
In 2010 some 50 community and youth groups met to create new ways of resisting the injustices of a faltering and corrupt system. Deciding on creativity as the medium, they took to the streets in powerful pageants of protest. 

In 2011, the group created The Books of Grievance and Hope, based on the Cahier Des Doleances that helped spark the French Revolution. The Books of Grievance and Hope are a permanent testimony to the injustices of the current era.

Now in a moving stage performance, The Spectacle testifies in song, pictures, movement and words that what’s happening is wrong, that we are resisting and that there is always hope.

Sean Millar (Silver Stars, Tower Songs, The Blue Boy, The Last Ten Years) has worked with groups from North and South of the city to create songs that tell the story on the ground.

The Spectacle of Defiance and Hope is a loose alliance of community, voluntary and youth groups, who, since 2010, have chosen the arts as a medium of protest against austerity and bailouts and for a fairer and more just society.
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Added by Journal of Music on 26 April 2013

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