‘Valediction’, from Ten Short Easy Piano Pieces

‘Valediction’, from Ten Short Easy Piano Pieces

Thursday, 30 April 2020, 10.05pm

This video illustrates the fifth piece in the collection ‘Ten Short Easy Piano Pieces’, which are described as ‘heartening and uplifting’ by British concert pianist John Lill, CBE.

The complete collection is currently free to print out from WordPress here:

If anyone would like to make a recording/video of themselves or a pupil performing this or any of the pieces in the collection, I would be very pleased. They could either post it here, or on their Facebook timeline, or send me an MP3/MP4 privately, via [email protected]
If the latter I would undertake not to publicise it in any way without permission.

All the best, Charles

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Valediction, from 'Ten Short Easy Piano Pieces'

Added by Charles McCreery on 30 April 2020

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