Letters: RTÉ Living Music Festival 2005


Dear Editor,

Kevin O’Connell boasts that ‘there was more than twice as much music by Henze in the 2005 Festival as there was by Boulez in the 2004 “Boulez Festival”’.

However, there never was a ‘Boulez Festival’. The 2004 RTÉ Living Music Festival, of which I was Artistic Director, centred on French music with particular emphasis on three composers: Boulez, Dusapin, and Murail. At least 90 per cent of music in the Festival was French, hence, in Kevin’s picturesque language, ‘in the chilly grip of the nation-state mentality and its attendant ugliness…’

Raymond Deane
Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin


Published on 1 July 2005

Raymond Deane is a composer, pianist, author and activist. Together with the violinist Nigel Kennedy, he is a cultural ambassador of Music Harvest, an organisation seeking to create 'a platform for cultural events and dialogue between internationals and Palestinians...'.

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