Smaller Voices of the Irish Civil War
Brendan Finan
'Who’d Ever Think It Would Come To This? – A Civil War Cantata', composed by Anne-Marie O’Farrell with a libretto by Ed Vulliamy, received its premiere at UCD on 30 September. Brendan Finan reviews.
City Songs
Andrea Cleary
Dublin singer-songwriter Sorcha Richardson's second album 'Smiling Like an Idiot' was released last week on Faction Records. Andrea Cleary reviews.
Starting with Intent
James Camien McGuiggan
Music Network's first tour of the autumn season began with Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh, Cormac de Barra and Mark Redmond at the Sugar Club in Dublin on 14 September. James Camien McGuiggan reviews.
Conversations with the Past
Brendan Finan
On 11 September, the Irish Traditional Music Archive hosted a gala concert at the National Concert Hall with a range of musicians and dancers who have featured in its Drawing from the Well series. Brendan Finan reviews.
Expanding the Boundaries of Opera
Adrian Smith
'Out of the Ordinary/As an nGnách', a new opera by Finola Merivale and Jody O’Neill experienced through virtual reality, is currently running as part of the Dublin Fringe Festival. Adrian Smith reviews.
Energy at the Core
Brendan Finan
Irish composer Finola Merivale's debut album 'Tús', winner of the National Concert Hall/Sounding the Feminists Music Recording Award, features five works performed by New York chamber music ensemble Desdemona. Brendan Finan reviews.
A Snapshot of Underground Music Making in Ireland
Don O'Mahony
The Department of Energy, the record label founded by Dan Callanan, has recently released 'May Day (Landscape Mixtape)' featuring 63 tracks from over 40 artists, exploring the theme of local resistance to corporate and state violence. Don O'Mahony reviews.
Clarity of Vision
James Camien McGuiggan
Celebrating ten years, Kirkos ensemble hosted their festival '10' in Dublin in July, featuring new work from Susan Geaney, Sebastian Adams, Jonathan Nangle, Áine Mallon and Robbie Blake. James Camien McGuiggan reviews.